Monday, 29 November 2010

Movie Ideas

   For our Children's Film, we are going to make a PG classified film because there will be a more grown up theme of cyber bullying and bullying. We have decided that we are going to use animation as we believe that this will appeal more to children as they enjoy animation and also we have the props that we can use to create the film.
   The outline of our story is going to be about a little girl at the age of a round 10 who is getting bullied by other girls that are mean to her and pick on her on a regular basis, eventually the 10 year old tells her mum and everything is sorted and they all live happily ever after. The moral of our story is not to bully, and if you are being bullied to tell someone as you shouldn't suffer by yourself as other people can help.
   All of us are going to share the roles, but we will mainly have a specific role to play when creating our movie. Each of us will help with moving the small characters, and will take it in turns to do the camera work as moving the characters and items will take a lot of time and a lot of people are needed to make the film successful. After filming is done, one of us will focus on editing, one of us will focus on sound and the other will focus on making sure everything pieces together and is linear and flows properly when the film is put together.

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